My posts appeared almost daily on various sponsored hubs at CafeMom from 2011-2015. As one of their CafeMom Bloggers (screenname: HeatherNYC), I wrote about everything from how to raise a resilient kid to combating picky eaters to even potty training at Teaching Kids Healthy Habits, offered ideas on boosting our daughters’ self-esteems in the Girls Unstoppable hub, and documented epic adventures in Everyday Made Your Way, and passed along my thoughts on smarter living on, well, Smarter Living. My two faves: tackling budgets, savvy shopping, and other money hints in the Family Piggy Bank and confessing the good, the bad, the everything going on in my Mad Life in the Mad Life Chronicles.

There are only so many pages in the magazine. Some of my articles that didn’t make it in — from a cool chat with author Emily Giffin to shopping hints from the Godmodels — are all on the New York Family site. On New York Family’s blog Parenting in Progress, I posted my first Life Nuggets, mashing how I navigate two of my loves: parenting and New York City. (Warning: sometimes the layout is all sorts of wonky…rather beyond my control.)

My articles for TouchPoint Media over on Bank of America's Small Business Community site tap into those years I edited on Wall Street. Social media how-tos, Q&As with entrepreneurs, questions about pets at work...yup, I've tackled them. Here are a few of my faves:

Q&A with Serial Entrepreneur Matt Levine
Logo Logic: How The Right Logo Can Take Your Small Business to the Next Level
Tweet This, Not That! Ten Social Media Mistakes You May be Making and How to Fix Them